Advanced Electrolysis

Electrolysis was first discovered by Dr. Charles E. Michel in 1875. He successfully
removed an ingrown eyelash from his patient. Since that time, Electrolysis treatments
have improved drastically. The FDA has approved Electrolysis as Permanent Hair Removal.
We now have 3 different methods of Electrolysis:
- Blend
- Galvanic
- Thermolysis
Humans have approximately 1,400,000 hairs distributed all over our head and body.
As a person attempts to remove these hairs using temporary methods (tweezing,
shaving, waxing, depilatories, threading, sugaring, etc.), they will begin to
grow faster, coarser, denser, and even ingrown, while spreading to a larger
area in a short period of time. Additionally, hairs tend to grow at a faster
rate in warmer weather.